Every data led solution starts with data. Not only can we help you use your data more effectively but we can also help you source, process and route additional data to supercharge your use cases.

Whether creating real time data access through APIs, scraping competitor data from online marketplaces or systemising data extraction from proprietary systems it is all not only possible but often quick and effective to implement. We have a toolbox of approaches to get the data you need to where you need it (ETL) including:

Api setup and extraction

Many valuable data sources for your business may be available through APIs. APIs offer a programmatic access to the data you need and are sometimes free sometimes require subscription. Most modern marketing tools, information hubs and business applications offer API interfaces to your data. Creating automated API data extractions and loads to your data storage or data warehouse is suprisingly quick, easy and low cost.

Use case example: For example loading data from your inventory management system to your data warehouse to feed both reporting dashboards and AI based stock allocation models.

Web scraping

Often the data you need is online but simply not accessible through API or other interface. By using an array of web scraping techniques we can usually extract the data you need automatically and process it ready for your use.

Use case example: Extracting local pollen count forecasts to drive a media creative decisioning model or bid price adjustment.

RPA Data extraction

Sometimes data requires extraction from more complex systems, such as those with complex login requirements, e.g. in browser verification. These are often designed specifically for human use and on that basis may be difficult or impossible to webscrape. By applying Robotic Process Automation (RPA) approaches, which typically work on a virtual representation of a human desktop interface, you can usually automate even complex data extraction processes.

Use case example: Data extraction of scanned purchase order data from order processing system with web login.

ai automation and data services uk